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TAROLD DAVIS SR. - President 

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Tarold Davis is the President and founder of The Acquisition Group (TAG), a real estate development and investment company located in Kansas City, Missouri. Mr. Davis background in real estate development is rooted in the affordable housing sector. Before embarking on the development career path, Mr. Davis attended Park University to earn his bachelor’s degree in marketing. After graduating college, he successfully secured a position with an affordable housing developer where he gained experience and insight structuring developments with Low Income Housing (LIHTC), HOME Funds, Community Development Block Grants, National Housing Trust Funds and several types of soft subsidy loans through state and local governments. Mr. Davis began his career as a construction project manager and later promoted to development manager. It was during his eight-year tenure with the firm that he discovered the overwhelming need for affordable housing across various income spectrums. Mr. Davis founded TAG based on creating social and economic impact in communities through the provision of affordable housing.

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